Special Price ✾ Philips BTM630 Bluetooth Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System with iPod Docking Station
Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The Philips BTM630 Bluetooth Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System with iPod Docking Station is our recommendation for you. The Philips BTM630 Bluetooth Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System with iPod Docking Station is a great product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Bluetooth wireless capability for streaming music from mobile phones, PCs, or other Bluetooth devices
- Universal iPod dock charges iPod while you enjoy your music; control iPod with included remote
- Plays CDs plus MP3/WMA files from SD/MMC memory cards, USB devices, or data CDs; records MP3s to removable media
- Full duplex speaker phone and built-in microphone to use with cell phone calls; auto-switcing between phone calls and music
- AM/FM digital tuner with presets; 30 watts total RMS power
Cheap Philips BTM630 Bluetooth Wireless Micro Hi-Fi System with iPod Docking Station
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