Get Special Deal For ✾ Griffin iTrip LCD FM Transmitter for Apple iPod with Dock Connector - 3Gen , 4Gen , 5Gen, Video, Photo, U2 Special Edition, Mini, Nano 1Gen and 2Gen
Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The Griffin iTrip LCD FM Transmitter for Apple iPod with Dock Connector - 3Gen , 4Gen , 5Gen, Video, Photo, U2 Special Edition, Mini, Nano 1Gen and 2Gen is our recommendation for you. The Griffin iTrip LCD FM Transmitter for Apple iPod with Dock Connector - 3Gen , 4Gen , 5Gen, Video, Photo, U2 Special Edition, Mini, Nano 1Gen and 2Gen is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- This Griffin iTrip FM Transmitter features a large and easy to read backlit LCD screen that makes setting its digital tuner easy and intuitive. A convenient switch on the side of the iTrip makes it a breeze to select a broadcast frequency and its compact, self-contained design makes controlling iTrip a snap - perfect for use in autos!
- With selectable LX or DX modes of broadcasting, the iTrip allow you to adjust for the absolute best possible audio under real-world conditions. Even in large cities with lots of radio stations crowding the dial, iTrip's DX Mode delivers a background noise level below that of a cassette tape adapter, allowing the music to punch through cleanly!
- Compatible Apple iPod MP3 Player Models: 3Gen , 4Gen , 5Gen, Video, Photo, U2 Special Edition, Mini, Nano 1Gen and 2Gen
- Griffin 9781-TRP30BK iTrip LCD FM Transmitter for iPod
- Frequencies: 88.1 - 107.9 MHz
General Features:
Black design;
FM transmitter for iPod with dock connector;
Backlit LCD screen;
Built-in antenna;
Power requirement: iPod connection;
Selectable LX or DX modes of broadcasting;
High stability crystal oscillator,
phase-lock loop control;
Unit Dimensions:
1.43 x 2.45 x 0.9-inches (H x W x D);
Weight: 0.6 oz.;
Regulatory Approvals: FCC
(FCC ID # : PAV4026);
Part Number: 9781-TRP30BK.
Modulation: FM stereo
Frequencies: 88.1 - 107.9 MHz
Frequency Response: 50 Hz - 15 KHz
Operating Range: 10 - 30 ft.
Compatible Apple iPod MP3 Player Models:
1. iPod photo
2. iPod U2 Special Edition
3. iPod 3G / 3rd Generation
4. iPod 4G / 4th Generation
5. iPod 5G / 5th Generation
6. iPod mini
7. iPod nano 1 + 2 Generation
Package Includes:
Griffin 9781-TRP30BK iTrip LCD FM Transmitter for iPod
* Packaging notes: Brand new (bulk part only). Package includes FM transmitter only.
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