Cheap Price ✾ Philips Portable iPod Docking Entertainment System w/7" Widescreen LCD- Refurbished
We offer only the top quality products on the market, The Philips Portable iPod Docking Entertainment System w/7" Widescreen LCD- Refurbished is one that you should have. The Philips Portable iPod Docking Entertainment System w/7" Widescreen LCD- Refurbished is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Product Features * Compatible with select Apple iPod models Including iPod video, 3rd-generation iPod nano, 4th-generation iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod touch, 2nd-generation iPod touch and 5th-generation iPod through the retractable dock connector. * 7" widescreen color TFT-LCD display With antiglare polarizer, 30 ms response time and 200 cd/m² brightness, so you can watch your favorite videos while you're on the go. NTSC/PAL video playback system. * Built-in speakers Provide a lush soundscape. * Includes rear seat mounting kit For easy installation in your vehicle. * Compact design For easy portability. * Headphone jack Lets you listen privately and allows you to turn up the volume without disturbing others. * 13-key remote Allows you to easily control the iPod. * Built-in lithium-polymer battery With charging indicator, so you keep the dock ready to be used.
Product Features
* Compatible with select Apple iPod models
Including iPod video, 3rd-generation iPod nano, 4th-generation iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod touch, 2nd-generation iPod touch and 5th-generation iPod through the retractable dock connector.
* 7" widescreen color TFT-LCD display
With antiglare polarizer, 30 ms response time and 200 cd/m² brightness, so you can watch your favorite videos while you're on the go. NTSC/PAL video playback system.
* Built-in speakers
Provide a lush soundscape.
* Includes rear seat mounting kit
For easy installation in your vehicle.
* Compact design
For easy portability.
* Headphone jack
Lets you listen privately and allows you to turn up the volume without disturbing others.
* 13-key remote
Allows you to easily control the iPod.
* Built-in lithium-polymer battery
With charging indicator, so you keep the dock ready to be used.
Cheap Philips Portable iPod Docking Entertainment System w/7" Widescreen LCD- Refurbished
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