Special Price ✾ Orange Protective Magnetic Smart Cover Case and Stand for Apple iPad 2 3 & 4 Retina Display by GnG
There are lots of great products on the market, The Orange Protective Magnetic Smart Cover Case and Stand for Apple iPad 2 3 & 4 Retina Display by GnG is our recommendation for you. The Orange Protective Magnetic Smart Cover Case and Stand for Apple iPad 2 3 & 4 Retina Display by GnG is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most people who have purchased and bought this product are very impressed with the quality results. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Holds iPad in Landscape
- Holds iPad in portrait
- Protects the screen
- Magnets turn screen on/off
- Magnets attach Smart Cover to iPad
This is much more than just a case, it was originally designed in line with the iPad 2 but due to its popularity the later iPads 3 and 4 are also compatible. It connects to your iPad in a second with 2 powerful magnets on the left, there are a further 2 magnets hidden in the opposite edge that will then get you case to sit flush and similtaniously turn the screen off or on when the case is opened or closed (Enable in settings). When peeled back you can roll the case so that it turns into a keyboard stand at the perfect angle to type, or with a quick rotation it can hold your iPad in either landscape or portrait much like a digital picture frame. The case itself is sturdy yet very minimalistic being only a few mm thick and with its design it keeps the rear of your iPad on display. (Separate covers can be bought to cover the back in conjunction with this cover)
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