Special Offer ✾ PyleHome Universal iPod/iPhone Docking Station For Audio Output Charging - Sync W/iTunes And Remot -
There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The PyleHome Universal iPod/iPhone Docking Station For Audio Output Charging - Sync W/iTunes And Remot - is one that you should have. The PyleHome Universal iPod/iPhone Docking Station For Audio Output Charging - Sync W/iTunes And Remot - is a great product that everyone can invest on. Most reviewers who have tried this product are very satisfied. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
Main Features
- Limited Warranty: 1 Year
- Manufacturer/Supplier: Pyle Audio, Inc
- Manufacturer Part Number: PIDOCK1
- Manufacturer Website Address:
- Brand Name: PyleHome
- Product Model: PIDOCK1
- Product Name: Universal iPod/iPhone Docking Station For Audio Output Charging - Sync W/iTunes And Remote Control
- Marketing Information: The PIDOCK1 is a convenient dock for your iPod, iPod Touch, or iPhone that allows you to easily play your favorite digital music through your home stereo system. Simply cradle your iDevice in the dock and cue up your favorite music -- it even charges while it plays. This device outputs stereo audio over a 3.5 mm jack. A 3.5mm to dual male RCA jack wire is provided for easily connecting the PIDOCK1 to your home receiver. You can also control your iPod or iPhone using the included wireless remote.
- Packaged Quantity: 1
- Product Type: Cradle
- Connectivity Technology: Wired
- Charging Capability: Yes
- Device Supported: Handheld Device
- Host Interface: USB
- Total Number of USB Ports: 1
- Package Contents:
- Universal iPod/iPhone Docking Station For Audio Output Charging - Sync W/iTunes And Remote Control , 3.5mm to Dual Male RCA Jack Wire , Wireless Remote , Charging Cable
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