Cheap ✾ Pyle UHF Wireless Stereo Headphone with Wireless iPhone/iPod Dock Transmitter and RF Remote Control
There are many quality products on the market, The Pyle UHF Wireless Stereo Headphone with Wireless iPhone/iPod Dock Transmitter and RF Remote Control is one that you should have. The Pyle UHF Wireless Stereo Headphone with Wireless iPhone/iPod Dock Transmitter and RF Remote Control is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. Most reviewers who have tried this product are very satisfied. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Remote Offers Many Buttons For Easy Control And More From Across The Room. - Double PLL System For
Now, ise o you iPod o iPhoe wihou wies! Simpy ade you devie i he iuded dok ad u o he headphoes. The avigae hough you devie's meus ad payiss wih he iuded RF emoe oo - i eve woks hough was! Usig he aes RF ehoogy, he PIH30R oves a age up o 150 fee. I ombiaio wih he aive oise eduio sysem, you' be abe o move aoud feey whie si ejoyig a pivae iseig eviome wih supeb soi aiy. I eve hages you devie whie i pays musi. Pus, he auxiiay oeio aows you o oe ay audio soue wih a 3.5mm audio jak. You a eve use muipe headphoes wih he same dok, so you fieds a ise i oo. Headphoes equie wo AAA baeies (o iuded).* UHF Wieess Seeo Headphoe Wih Wieess iPod Dok Tasmie Ad RF Remoe Coo* Uivesa iPod Dok Pays Ad Chages A Dokig iPod Modes* Auxiiay Coeio Les You Lise To No-Dokig iPod Modes,* TV/CD/DVD/MP3 O Ay Audio Sysem* Remoe Offes May Buos Fo Easy Coo Ad Moe Fom Aoss The Room.* Remoe Ca Be Used Thew Was* Sevea Headphoes Ca Be Used Simuaeousy Wih Oe Ipod Tasmie* Wokig Disae Up To 150 Fee Wih Ou Laes RF Wieess Tehoogy* Auo Mue Ad Auo Ruig Fuio Avaiabe Fo Headphoes* Doube PLL Sysem Fo Uimae Fequey Sabiiy* Aive Noise Reduio Sysem Fo Cysa Cea Soud* Sysem UHF* Caie Fequey 915mhz* S/N Raio 75db(Miimum)* Chae Sepaaio 35db(Miimum)* Disoio 1%(Maximum)* Fequey Respose 30 - 20,000Hz* Powe Suppy Of Tasmie DC12V 150ma* Powe Suppy Of Headphoe 2 AAA Baeies* Powe Suppy Of Remoe Coo Buo Bae
With so many deals out there it can difficult to decide who offers the best price. In order to ensure that you get the best possible deal, we have done some research to help you make the right decision. If you would like to purchase this product, please follow the link above and get special offers available.
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