Special Price ✾ Coby 2-Channel DVD Microsystem with DivX Playback and Universal Dock for iPod

Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The Coby 2-Channel DVD Microsystem with DivX Playback and Universal Dock for iPod is our recommendation for you. The Coby 2-Channel DVD Microsystem with DivX Playback and Universal Dock for iPod is a popular and highest rated product in the market. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.

Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.

  • Progressive scan DVD player. Universal dock for iPod charges and plays your favorite iPod music and video.
  • Plays digital media files directly from USB and SD/MMC memory cards. Official DivX Certified product. Digital clock display.
  • Plays digital MPEG-4 video files (XviD). Digital AM/FM tuner with 80-station preset
  • High-output, full-range satellite speakers. Full function remote control
  • Plays all versions of DivX video (including DivX 6) with standard playback of DivX media files.

Coby's DVD468 2-Channel DVD Microsystem for iPod is the perfect multimedia system for your home entertainment needs. Its sleek, compact design complements any space and provides multimedia playback without the clutter of numerous or larger devices. Play your videos from your iPod as well as many other media formats from DVDs, CDs, USB flash drives, or SD memory cards. An official DivX Certified product, it plays all versions of DivX video (including DivX 6) with standard playback of DivX media files.

 Coby 2-Channel DVD Microsystem with DivX Playback and Universal Dock for iPod

Cheap Coby 2-Channel DVD Microsystem with DivX Playback and Universal Dock for iPod

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