Get Special Price For ✾ Memorex Clock Radio for iPod with Dual Alarm Settings - Pink/White (iPod not included)
There are several great products on the market, The Memorex Clock Radio for iPod with Dual Alarm Settings - Pink/White (iPod not included) is one that we recommend. The Memorex Clock Radio for iPod with Dual Alarm Settings - Pink/White (iPod not included) is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Memorex Clock radio for iPod
- Digital FM Radio with presets
- Powers and charges your Ipod devices with docking capability
- Dual Alarm Settings
- Line-in jack to connect other digital adio devices
Memorex Clock radio for iPod Model MiW411-pnk, Made for iPod. Battery back-up for time (2AAA batteries not included
Cheap Memorex Clock Radio for iPod with Dual Alarm Settings - Pink/White (iPod not included)
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