Get Special Offer For ✾ Marware USB Travel Dock for iPod shuffle 2G (White)
There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The Marware USB Travel Dock for iPod shuffle 2G (White) is one that you should have. The Marware USB Travel Dock for iPod shuffle 2G (White) is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Please read product description before you decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Lightweight, portable USB travel dock for iPod shuffle 2G
- Plugs directly into laptop's USB port without cables
- Charges iPod shuffle and provides 480 mbps data transfer
- Doesn't interfere with any adjacent cables or ports
- Blue "power on" LED indicator; protective rubber bottom
Maximize the compact design and performance of your 2G iPod shuffle with Marware's sleek, space-saving USB Travel Dock. Conveniently charges the iPod and provides up to 480 Mbps data transfer for lightning-fast loading or syncing of your entire music library. USB Travel Dock won't interfere with any adjacent cables, so you can prominently display your new 2G iPod shuffle right next to your laptop screen.
Cheap Marware USB Travel Dock for iPod shuffle 2G (White)
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