Special Deal ✾ SecureGuard D1 (720x480) Small iPod Dock Spy Camera Hidden Nanny covert Cam
Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The SecureGuard D1 (720x480) Small iPod Dock Spy Camera Hidden Nanny covert Cam is one that you should have. The SecureGuard D1 (720x480) Small iPod Dock Spy Camera Hidden Nanny covert Cam is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- 5 second (0:05) Pre-Record // D1 High Definition //
- 720x480 Resolution // 30 FPS Frame Rate // Color Video
- Made in USA // Next Day // 2nd Day // Express
- 4GB SD Card Included // Supports 32GB SD Card
- 1 Year limited Warranty // US Tech Support
This camera has a 5 second Pre-record feature that allows
the the camera to record 5 seconds before motion is detected
and apply it the the video clip. No other Spy Camera has this feature.The 4 Easy Steps!
Step 1: Insert the SD card, Plug in the battery.
Step 2: Aim the camera where you want to record.
Step 3: Disconnect the battery, take out the card, and view the video on your computer.
Step 4: Repeat.
Includes (1) 4GB SD card
~ The camera is pointing straight out.
~ The viewing angle is 80 degrees wide and 70 degrees tall.
~ There are no beeps, no lights, no noise and no sign that a camera or recorder is inside.
~ The video is easily playable on Windows Media Player or any other player. (DivX, etc.)
~ We have a support page on our website where we offer SECURE software downloads,
answer common technical issues, installation information and general support.
~ Technical phone support is available during our normal business hours.
Camera Lens: ~ Sony 4.3mm Color CCD Pinhole Lens
Quality: ~ 420 TV Lines
Minimum Lux (light): ~ 0.5
Resolution: ~ 720 x 480 DVD/MPEG2 Quality
Frame rate: ~ 30FPS
Recording Mode: ~ Motion Detection
Storage Mode: ~ SD and HCSD Cards
Size Supported: ~ up to 32GB
Recording Length: ~ 10 seconds - 2 minutes per clip or per motion
Recording Cycle: ~ Auto-Recycle (deletes oldest clip)
Best Deals SecureGuard D1 (720x480) Small iPod Dock Spy Camera Hidden Nanny covert Cam
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