Special Deal ✾ Scosche IALM2 Stereo Alarm Clock for iPod (Black)
If you are looking for a high quality product, then The Scosche IALM2 Stereo Alarm Clock for iPod (Black) is our recommendation for you. The Scosche IALM2 Stereo Alarm Clock for iPod (Black) is a great product that everyone can invest on. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Compatibility: iPod mini; iPod nano 1G, 2G, 3G; iPod classic 3G, 4G, 5G, 5.5G, 6G
- Wake up and fall asleep to your iPod or FM radio with dual alarms and programmable sleep mode
- Charges your iPod while the included AC adapter is plugged in
- LCD display with dim control; full-function remote
- 3.5-mm audio input allows you connect your iPod shuffle or other MP3 player
Buy Scosche IALM2 Stereo Alarm Clock for iPod (Black)
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